

The Star Fruit

The study shown Consumption of fruits and vegetables is vital for a diversified and nutritious diet. So I am going to write about Star fruit. The star fruit is tropical fruits the local name of Star fruit is Kamranga and scientific name Averrhoa carambola L, In Asian countries, the star fruit has many different names: bilimbi, belimbing, Chinese star fruit, Five-angled fruit, five fingers and the star apple. The term star fruit, however, is the most popular name, which is derived from the fact that each slice of the fruit resembles a five pointed star. It is common in the south of Asia, Australia and the entire island around the world. The fruit grows on trees are native to India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and also grows in Bangladesh mainly in Barisal and getting popularity in other parts of the country.

Fruit:   The star fruit are non-seasonal and produce 3 to 4 crops each year. Fruit are 2 to 6 inches in length with 5 prominent longitudinal ribs; star shaped in cross section. The star fruit (KAMRANGA) has five lobes covered in an edible waxy yellow skin so it’s called star fruit. The flavor of the yellow flesh is reminiscent of citrus fruit and varies from quite sour to mildly sweet, depending on variety. I found the range in taste from pleasantly tart and sour to slightly sweet with a complicated flavor combination that includes plum, pineapple and lemons. It does contain some dark or black seeds in the center.

Tree:    The tree of star fruit (KAMRANGA) a member of Oxalis family grows on a bushy tree 25 to 30 feet high with a spread of 20 to 25 feet. Ever green, single or Multi-Trucked.  Trees grow rapidly locations protected from strong winds. The leaves are sensitive to touch and light. The leaflets are 0.5 to 3.5 inches long and 0.4 to 1.8 inches wide. The KAMRANGA flowers are borne on panicles on twigs, small diameter branches. Flowers are perfect; flowers have either long or short style depending upon the cultivar. Small pink to lavender in color and have five petals and sepals.

Eating benefits:    The star fruit is a great source of vitamin C, A, Iron and Potassium as well plenty of trace Minerals to satisfy and non-negligible amounts of Calcium, Phosphorus, Carotene, Thiamine, Riboflavin Niacin to the amino acids Tryptophan, Methionine and Lysine. The star fruit is a fleshy, juicy fruit with a texture that is almost citrus, though it has also been compared to plum or Guava fruit. The flavor like those of an apple ranges from tart to sweet depending on which variety you sample. An average-size star fruit has 40 calories, 5 of those from fat. It has 10 grams of carbohydrates, 15% of daily requirements of vitamin A and 45% of daily requirements of vitamin C.